In response to the Victorian Premiers announcement today we can advise the following.
Re Support Worker Authority to Work
I can confirm Support Workers are authorised to work i.e.
“Authorised worker” “Any person who performs work that is essential for the continued operation of:” “care services for people with particular needs because of homelessness, family violence, age, infirmity, disability, illness or a chronic health condition or other essential support services;” for full details click here
I can also confirm “Authorised workers are permitted to travel to and from work even when curfew is in place” see attachment for full details
210816-Table-of-Restrictions_0-16-08-21Re Permits
We have been advised “Permits will be required to leave the house for authorised work, consistent with the arrangements that were in place last year.”
“Authorised workers will be required to carry permits when working, and when travelling for work, from 11:59pm on Tuesday August 17. The permits need to be certified by an employer.
Please note Support Workers don’t need to have a permit on them until 11:59pm tomorrow night.
We are waiting for further instructions from the DHHS so that we can prepare and despatch your permit to you.
Re Support Worker use of PPE
There have been no changes to the use of PPE by Support Workers therefore as previously advised at a minimum Support Workers must always wear a surgical disposable face mask whilst on shift.
If you are a Support Worker and you require additional face masks, please advise the Hearth team by emailing or calling 1800 894 013 and we will do our best to assist.
As always, we are here to help if you need any kind of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of the Hearth team and we will do our best to assist.
Stay Safe & Warm Regards
Justin Scanlon