In accordance with the latest “factsheet for disability service providers” which outlines the requirements of disability service providers and workers under the Workplace Directions issued by the Chief Health Officer in accordance with powers arising from the declared state of emergency.
We can advise the following.
Re Support Worker use of PPE
There have been no changes to the use of PPE by Support Workers as previously advised, based on the DHHS guidelines.
If you require additional PPE please advise the Hearth team by emailing info@hearthaustralia.com.au or calling 1800 894 013 and we will assist.
Multiple Employer Location Declaration
As previously advised, under the “Workplace Directions” issued by the Public Health Commander all staff who work for more than one employer must provide a written declaration to each employer to advise them that they are working for another employer.
If you are new to Hearth or you have not already completed a declaration could you, please complete the attached and send it in to Hearth via info@hearthaustralia by close of business on the 11th of December 2020
Thank you for your support, cooperation and understanding
As always, we are here to help if you need any kind of assistance please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of the Hearth team and we will do our best to assist.
Warm Regards
Justin Scanlon