Re Support Worker use of PPE
The DHHS have updated their guidance with regards to the PPE used while supporting a participant. The new guidelines are as follows:
- Disability support workers are no longer required to wear eye protection (Face shield) when providing support to people who do not currently have or are suspected of having coronavirus (COVID-19).
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, gown and protective eye wear should be used when providing hands-on contact care if there is a risk of splash or exposure to blood or body fluids.
- Disability support workers/staff, contractors and volunteers in Victoria must continue to wear a surgical mask when interacting with clients indoors or outdoors.
- Clients should also wear a face mask wherever possible in these environments.
- Visitors must wear a surgical mask at all times inside disability residential facilities (support accommodation).
- Masks are mandatory on public transport, commercial passenger vehicles and rideshare, markets, shopping centres and large retail stores. Exemptions continue to apply to the face mask requirement.
- As a reminder, for instructions on how to wear/put on a mask please click here.
If you require additional PPE, please advise the Hearth team by emailing or calling 1800 894 013 and we will assist.
As always, we are here to help if you need any kind of assistance please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of the Hearth team and we will do our best to assist.
Warm Regards
Justin Scanlon