Dr Erin Leif Presents “Toward a Trauma-Informed Model of Positive Behaviour Support” in Geelong
I am thrilled that we are able to bring Dr Erin Leif to Geelong in person to present her latest research-based presentation on trauma and its impact on behaviour.
Dr Leif believes “trauma can impact the lives and learning of Australians in many ways”.
Although there is limited data on the prevalence of trauma in Australia, some recent research suggests that about 50–75% of Australians will experience a potentially traumatic event at some point in their lives.
International studies estimate that about 60–70% of young people will have been exposed to at least 1 traumatic event by the age of 17.
Trauma exposure is reported to be more common among specific groups such as people who experience homelessness, young people in out-of-home care or under youth justice supervision, refugees, women and children experiencing family and domestic violence, First Nations people, and people with disability.
Many people who receive behaviour support services may have experienced adversity in their lives. Therefore, it is important for behaviour support practitioners to understand what adversity is, how exposure to adverse events can influence behaviour and result in trauma, and how to deliver behaviour support services from a trauma-informed perspective.
Specifically, this event will
In this presentation, Dr Erin Leif from Monash University will discuss risk factors for trauma, the impact of trauma on learning and development, and ways to deliver evidence-based, trauma-informed services that focus on building skills and resilience.
Learning objectives:
- Define adversity, trauma, and post-traumatic stress, and identify risk factors for trauma
- Describe how adverse experiences or traumatic events might influence behaviours of concern
- Describe the principles of trauma-informed practice, and compare and contrast trauma-informed practice with trauma-specific services
- Describe the core components of trauma-informed positive behaviour support
Onsite event participants will be able to engage with Erin informally over a lunch and pose specific questions during our Panel discussion.
Bring your questions related to trauma and PBS practice.
Hearth Allied Health Professional Development Series
This event is part of our series of professional development opportunities at Hearth Allied Health, bringing together leaders in the field of Positive Behaviour Support.
At Hearth, we believe that we have a collective responsibility to promote best practice and share our expertise with the broader NDIS community, therefore this Professional Development opportunity is offered free of charge.
Who is Dr Erin Leif?
Erin is a globally recognised behaviour analyst who is a Board-Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA) and Senior Lecturer at Monash University. Erin is passionate about the science of human behaviour, learning, language, and cognition (why we do what we do!).
Erin’s primary research interests involve the exploration of strategies for building the capacity of the workforce to better support individuals with additional needs (especially children and young people with behaviours of concern, who are most at risk for exclusion and social isolation).
Erin is particularly interested in knowledge translation research. For Erin, knowledge translation involves working collaboratively with professionals, educators, parents, and individuals to exchange information about what works, and what we need to do better to solve socially important problems.
Who should Attend?
NDIS Support Coordinators who are seeking further information about Positive Behaviour Support.
Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners seeking to upskill and undertake some Professional Development in Positive Behaviour Support (certificate of attendance to provide to your registration / peak body as evidence of CPD.
NDIS Participant, Family Members or Support Network who are seeking further information about Positive Behaviour Support and instruction for registering your interest as a potential PBS client with Hearth Allied Health.
TAFE or University Students (Community Services / Psychology / Social Work) seeking a career pathway or employment.
Allied Health Professionals seeking to upskill and undertake some Professional Development in Positive Behaviour Support (certificate of attendance to provide to your registration / peak body as evidence of CPD).
How can I attend?
Either in person (details below) or via Zoom (click here to register for Zoom)
Event Details
Date: Wednesday the 14th of September 2022
- 10.00 for a 10.30am start. (Refreshments served on arrival).
- 10.30 – 12.00pm Dr Erin Leif’s presentation – (Zoom Participants Only)
- 12.00 – 12.30 pm Lunch (Light Lunch Provided)
- 12.30 – 1.30pm Q & A with Dr Erin and Megan Phillips, Hearth Regional Manager PBS
- 1.30 – 2.00pm Wrap up & close
Venue: Deakin Cats Community Centre
- Ground floor of the Players Stand at the southern end of GMHBA Stadium.
- Please enter the ground floor via the Doug Wade Gate (Gate 8), located opposite the blue slide at Kardinia Pool.
Free Parking Available in GMHBA Precinct – Entry via Doug Wade Gate – Gate 8
Event Cost: Free
Certificate of Attendance: You will be provided with a certificate of attendance via email that can be used as evidence for CPD
To Register: click on here to attend in person
I look forward to seeing you there!
Fiona McAlinden
Director – Hearth Allied Health